Info ··········· sci-fi documentary
Length ········· 45min
Date ··········· 2022
Language ······· English/ German
Lale is 26 and has been working as a model for years.
But working on the superficiality is increasingly exhausting her. She finally wants to turn her attention to the important things in life - by having her physical body scanned and transformed into a virtual avatar. In the course of this moral and legal precedent, and facing her very real SELF, Lale has concerns. The film poses the
question of identity in the age of self-dramatization and
certificates of authenticity.
Lale arbeitet seit acht Jahren als Model. Doch die Arbeit an der Oberfläche erschöpft sie zunehmend. Die Idee, sich virtuell clonen zu lassen, um ihren Avatar für sich arbeiten zu lassen, klingt verlockend. Spielt Realität überhaupt noch eine Rolle?
“There’s no judgment – the filmmaker just shows us a future that has already arrived. (...) a calm, understated yet thought provoking documentary, carefully and precisely shot to take the viewer on a personal journey with a universal scope.”
Nicole Santé Buisness Doc Europe
“Die gruselige Schlussszene, in der sich die verschiedenen computergenerierten Versionen von Lale anschauen, wirkt wie ein Schlag in die Magengrube, gruselig und schön zugleich.”
Jungle World 2022/42
"As we stand on the edge of increasing digital frontiers, Katharina Pethke’s thought-provoking film explores the mechanics and implications of creating a virtual doppelganger."
Ben Nicholson - The Film Verdict
But working on the superficiality is increasingly exhausting her. She finally wants to turn her attention to the important things in life - by having her physical body scanned and transformed into a virtual avatar. In the course of this moral and legal precedent, and facing her very real SELF, Lale has concerns. The film poses the
question of identity in the age of self-dramatization and
certificates of authenticity.
Lale arbeitet seit acht Jahren als Model. Doch die Arbeit an der Oberfläche erschöpft sie zunehmend. Die Idee, sich virtuell clonen zu lassen, um ihren Avatar für sich arbeiten zu lassen, klingt verlockend. Spielt Realität überhaupt noch eine Rolle?

“There’s no judgment – the filmmaker just shows us a future that has already arrived. (...) a calm, understated yet thought provoking documentary, carefully and precisely shot to take the viewer on a personal journey with a universal scope.”
Nicole Santé Buisness Doc Europe
“Die gruselige Schlussszene, in der sich die verschiedenen computergenerierten Versionen von Lale anschauen, wirkt wie ein Schlag in die Magengrube, gruselig und schön zugleich.”
Jungle World 2022/42
"As we stand on the edge of increasing digital frontiers, Katharina Pethke’s thought-provoking film explores the mechanics and implications of creating a virtual doppelganger."
Ben Nicholson - The Film Verdict